Why the random knowledge?

Why the random knowledge?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

My phone died in the wilderness

A great way to time map old-school... super old-school

image courtesy of: Buzz Feed

It's in the numbers

We've all heard it: "Less clutter in your desk, less clutter in your head."

Let's get organized! Check out this cool infographic on how to organize everything from your computer to your kitchen. Happy Spring Cleaning!

Image courtesy of: Greatist

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kinky Curly

The curly, kinky, thick hair world is totally different from the straight, wavy, TV-ready natural hair world.

We can get attention, but sometimes very unwanted attention for our hair. Beautiful remarks. and terrible remarks. Some people have never had to think twice about their hair after showering or about the weather in relation to their hair; they may find it strange or ridiculous the time and effort curly-haired girls are forced to spend. Here is a cute infographic for our perspective :)

Image courtesy: The meta picture


Sleep is amazing... full of science fiction, love, mystery; whatever you dream about! Plus, a break from reality we all need.

Did you know?
Scientists still have no factual evidence for why we need sleep, but we know that we absolutely need it. A rare disorder, Fatal familial insomnia, has affected only 100 people in history. This disorder causes the patient to pass away after about a year due to losing the ability to sleep completely...

On a lighter note, good sleeping habits and napping is known to help with longevity of life, productivity, memory, and neurological issues. More to read on this in the resources section below and of course, the following random inforgraphic:

Image courtesy of: Mind Body Green
